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  • Health, Medicine and Nursing
Cariology, Restorative Sciences, and Endodontics (CRSE) Materials
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0.0 stars

Dr. Stephen Bayne's course on dental materials, including gold alloys, composites, amalgams, glass ionomers, ceramics, waxes, etc. for operative dentistry, fixed and removable prosthodontics.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
Full Course
University of Michigan
Provider Set:
Stephen Bayne
Date Added:
Choosing Your Career
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0.0 stars

One of the major components of the First Year Seminar in Natural Sciences (NSF101) is to introduce students to library research. The library orientation session exposes students to library resources such as books, videos, journals, databases. The "Choosing Your Career" assignment reinforces using the library by searching for information on a career, retrieving sources from select databases and evaluating the information found in a written reflection. Reflection questions are added to guide the student in their search and their approach to their career choice.
The goal is to integrate library literacy as part of their developing college learning skills. This assignment effectively introduces information literacy as the ability to find and use information and critically think about the information found when deciding on a career path.
This assignment consists of the following;
90-minute library orientation session (one lecture session)
followed up by library research (students' time)
initial draft (hard copy for instructor comments)
written revision (students' time)
a final written 1500-word research reflection. (deposited on student ePortfolio)
1. Identify one science profession that interests you
2. Research the profession using library resources
3. Write a 1500-word reflection including the questions posed

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Life Science
Material Type:
CUNY Academic Works
Provider Set:
LaGuardia Community College
Gonzalez, Janet
Date Added:
Climate Change & Women: An Assignment
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0.0 stars

This two-part assignment is one learning check for students in an undergraduate nursing course on women’s health issues. Students view/listen to class slides and review open access materials on climate change and women’s health. The assignment is designed to demonstrate understanding of the material and students’ critical thinking about possible pattern changes, its impact on women, and how nurses can intervene to enhance women’s health and well-being.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
CUNY Academic Works
Provider Set:
College of Staten Island
Farren, Arlene T
Date Added:
Clinical Nurse Specialist Job Description Assignment
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0.0 stars

The Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) is an advanced practice registered nurse with expertise in assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of specialty patient populations. In addition to direct care, the CNS role expands to other areas including research, education, quality improvement, and inter professional teamwork. Creating a detailed CNS Job description helps to clarify the role.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
CUNY Academic Works
Provider Set:
College of Staten Island
Maydick Youngberg, Diane R.
Date Added:
Clinical Procedures for Safer Patient Care
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This open educational resource (OER) was developed to ensure best practice and quality care based on the latest evidence, and to address inconsistencies in how clinical health care skills are taught and practised in the clinical setting. The checklist approach, used in this textbook, aims to provide standardized processes for clinical skills and to help nursing schools and clinical practice partners keep procedural practice current. Each skill/procedure is covered in a chapter that has learning objectives, a brief overview of the relevant theory, checklists of steps for procedures with the rationale behind each step of the process, and a summary of key takeaways. Key terms are set in bold throughout the book and laid out again in a Glossary in the appendix. All 88 checklists are also summarized, and hyperlinked to the original checklist, in the appendix.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
Provider Set:
BCcampus Open Textbooks
Date Added:
Community Engagement for Health--Student Activity
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0.0 stars

A key theme of this course is that most health outcomes are driven by personal behavior choices, but that those choices are made in the context of the neighborhoods where we live, work, and play.  A corollary to this theme is that engaged citizens are healthier citizens (defined as a "resident of a particular city"). The object of this project is to take the principles learned in the classroom and apply them in a community environment: observe an issue in the community, document it through video/audio commentary, then use the tools of advocacy to address the issue.While designed for a Public Health course, this activity can be adapted for any topic where community organizing can lead to positive change.

Environmental Studies
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Political Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Stephanie Carey
Date Added:
Concepts of Fitness and Wellness
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0.0 stars

This open textbook for Concepts of Fitness and Wellness at Georgia Highlands College was created through a Round Seven ALG Textbook Transformation Grant.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
University System of Georgia
Provider Set:
Galileo Open Learning Materials
Althea Moser
Christin Collins
Connie Watjen
David Mathis
Jonathan Howard
Lisa Jellum
Scott Flynn
Sharryse Henderson
Date Added:
Creative Clinical Teaching In The Health Professions
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0.0 stars

This peer reviewed e-book is a must-read for nurses and other health professionals who strive to teach with creativity and excellence in clinical settings. Each chapter presents current evidence informed educational practice knowledge. Each topic is also presented with text boxes describing ‘Creative Strategies’ that clinical teachers from across Canada have successfully implemented. For those who are interested in background knowledge, the authors provided a comprehensive literature base. And, for those interested mainly in 'what to do,' the text box summaries offer step-by-step directions for creative, challenging activities that both new and experienced instructors can begin using immediately.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
Provider Set:
BCcampus Open Textbooks
Date Added:
Crispr Cas9
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Precise modification of faulty genes for repair has been one of the most important goals in medicine. It is now finally within the realm of possibility thanks to the gene editing tool CRISPR. This microbial adaptive immune system can copy and cut specific DNA sequences. This animation provides a visual introduction of this revolutionary genetic tool.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Life Science
Material Type:
CUNY Academic Works
Provider Set:
City College
Chen, Ching-jung
Cheng, Katie
Chowdhury, Abanti Deb
Eng, Timmy
Estevez, Irving
Malik, Rafay
Ndjiharine, Vitjitua
Oviedo, Hysell V.
Date Added:
Critical Issues in Health
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This is a personal health course for today's college student. Topics cover basic information on mental health, nutrition, substance abuse, violence prevention, chronic diseases, infectious diseases and reproductive health.
Contents include as OER reading list, sample syllabus, test questions, assignment questions.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
CUNY Academic Works
Provider Set:
Bronx Community College
Heller, Janet R
Date Added:
Critical Issues in Health Education
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This is a personal health course for today's college student. Topics cover basic information on mental health, nutrition, substance abuse, violence, chronic diseases, infectious diseases, and human sexuality.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
CUNY Academic Works
Provider Set:
Bronx Community College
Heller, Janet R
Date Added:
Cultural Diversity in Healthcare [Radiologic Technology]
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0.0 stars

The Cultural Diversity in Healthcare assignment is designed for the SCX 101 Patient care course. This assignment was first implemented in 2011 and has undergone significant revisions in the past few years from individual presentation to collaborative group presentation in 2013 and the connection to the Health Science First Year Seminar (HSF) assignment in 2018. The most recent revisions made were through the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) workshop on Global Learning in Fall 2018. Feedback from the CTL seminar led to the inclusion of the Learning Objectives of the assignment and prompts that direct students to relate their topic to possible clinical scenario. The feedback from the seminar participants was particularly useful in tweaking the assignment to meet all the dimensions of LaGuardia‰Ûªs Global Learning Core Competency rubric. Their feedback also helped in providing clearer instructions to the students.
The purpose of this two-part assignment is to learn from each other‰Ûªs culture and help educate the class about the different cultural practices that can influence how a healthcare worker should communicate with the patient. Through completion of this assignment, the students will be able help identify practices or beliefs that can be a possible barrier to good patient care and help decrease health disparities in Radiology.
This high stakes assignment accounts for 15% of the students‰Ûª final grade in the course. We scaffold the assignment through a lesson on cultural diversity, cultural competence and patient communication. Following the lesson, we facilitate class discussion on cultural competence and cultures. The lesson and class discussion will provide knowledge on the importance of cultural competence in providing utmost patient care. The assignment also fulfills the Global Learning Core Competency, mid-point deposit, and it reinforces the Written and Oral Communication Abilities.
LaGuardia‰Ûªs Core Competencies and Communication Abilities
COURSE LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Introduce students to the importance of the ARRT Code of Ethics, including the. Technologist‰Ûªs accountability and responsibility to the patients and to the field. Familiarize students with the moral, ethical and legal issues relevant to the healthcare field.
ASSIGNMENT LEARNING OBJECTIVES: The student should be able to define and explain Cultural Diversity. The student should be able to understand the different culturally significant attitudes, practices and beliefs and their impact on the delivery of patient care. The student should be able to explain how lack of cultural knowledge, awareness and sensitivity contributes to health disparities. The student should be able to understand their role and responsibility as a Future Radiologic Technologist in decreasing health disparities through cultural competence. The student should be able to identify and discuss practices or strategies that can promote the ethical principles of patient care.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
CUNY Academic Works
Provider Set:
LaGuardia Community College
Licari, Theresa
Maldonado, Lorena
Date Added:
DEN 223 - Dental Ethics & Jurisprudence - Textbook
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0.0 stars

Compilation of materials for a course in our Dental Hygiene program. Chapters include: Professionalism; Ethical Theory and Philosophy; Core Values and Ethical Principles; Decision Making; Patient Record and Informed Consent; Alternate Practice Models; Abuse; Jurisprudence; Legal and Ethical Concerns in Research; Business and Healthcare; Practice Management; Social Responsibility and Advocacy.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
Provider Set:
Hostos Community College
Diana Macri
Date Added:
D-Lab: Disseminating Innovations for the Common Good, Spring 2007
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0.0 stars

This course focuses on Third World development using case studies and team collaboration. Students draw lessons from success stories and identify challenges, unintended consequences and failures in implementing technologies, projects and policies. Students acquire skills in the building of partnerships and learn how to pilot, implement, and scale-up a selected innovation for the common good. Teams develop an idea, project or business plan that is ready to roll by semester's end.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
M.I.T. OpenCourseWare
Murcott, Susan
Date Added:
D-Lab: Medical Technologies for the Developing World, Spring 2010
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0.0 stars

D-Lab Health provides a multidisciplinary approach to global health technology design via guest lectures and a major project based on fieldwork. We will explore the current state of global health challenges and learn how to design medical technologies that address those problems. Students may travel to Nicaragua during spring break to work with health professionals, using medical technology design kits to gain field experience for their device challenge. As a final class deliverable, you will create a product design solution to address challenges observed in the field. The resulting designs are prototyped in the summer for continued evaluation and testing.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Social Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
M.I.T. OpenCourseWare
Gomez-Marquez, Jose
Date Added:
Design in Healthcare: Using Patient Journey Mapping
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0.0 stars

In this course you will learn about the different experiences patients go through in a medical context. The patient journey explores the interaction between the patient and the healthcare providers in all stages of the disease; coping with treatment and dealing with expectations, and interaction with and between different stakeholders.

This course will give designers and specialists in healthcare the knowledge, insights and tools to be able to analyze and improve patient experience. You will learn how to map complex healthcare scenarios, pinpoint opportunities and create hands-on solutions aimed at improving the patient experience.

This course is an introduction to patient journey mapping; developed at the Delft University of Technology and applied in improvement of care pathway. Step-by-step, the course visualizes the different stakeholders, phases and actions involved in patient treatment. You will be challenged to pursue new insights and given unique opportunities to learn, observe and question patients and medical professionals, with the opportunity to attend a live broadcasted, interactive surgery.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
Full Course
Delft University of Technology
Provider Set:
Delft University OpenCourseWare
prof.dr.ir. Goossens
Date Added:
Designing and Sustaining Technology Innovation for Global Health Practice, Spring 2008
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0.0 stars

Innovation in global health practice requires leaders who are trained to think and act like entrepreneurs. Whether at a hospital bedside or in a remote village, global healthcare leaders must understand both the business of running a social venture as well as how to plan for and provide access to life saving medicines and essential health services. Each week, the course features a lecture and skills-based tutorial session led by industry, non-profit foundation, technology, and academic leaders to think outside the box in tackling and solving problems in innovation for global health practice through the rationale design of technology and service solutions. The lectures provide the foundation for faculty-mentored pilot project from MOH, students, or non-profit sponsors that may involve creation of a market or business plan, product development, or a research study design.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
M.I.T. OpenCourseWare
Blander, Jeffrey
Demirci, Utkan
Date Added:
Design of Medical Devices and Implants, Spring 2006
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0.0 stars

" This design course targets the solution of clinical problems by use of implants and other medical devices. Topics include the systematic use of cell-matrix control volumes; the role of stress analysis in the design process; anatomic fit, shape and size of implants; selection of biomaterials; instrumentation for surgical implantation procedures; preclinical testing for safety and efficacy, including risk/benefit ratio assessment evaluation of clinical performance and design of clinical trials. Student project materials are drawn from orthopedic devices, soft tissue implants, artificial organs, and dental implants."

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Life Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
M.I.T. OpenCourseWare
Spector, Myron
Yannas, Ioannis
Date Added:
A Diagnostic Condition and Its Implications [Physical Therapist Assistant Program]
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

SCT 101: Introduction to Physical Therapy
Assignment Description: This assignment was designed during Learning Matters 2018-2019 Digital Communication sub-seminar. The assignment was originally a written paper based on the clinical manifestations and pathogenesis of a diagnostic condition. As the profession of physical therapy is inherently a teaching profession, an oral and digital component was incorporated to facilitate the student's ability and confidence in oral communication and use of media. The presentation of a diagnostic condition and implication in the performance of activities for an individual can be variable depending on the individual's physical status, medical/health history, and psychosocial status. To enable a holistic understanding of a diagnostic condition, the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health Model (ICF Model) is integrated into the assignment. The ICF model is biopsychosocial interconnected dynamic relationship of the health condition, body structures/functions involved, participation in life activities and an individual's environmental and personal factors (contextual factors). This assignment is a Level I baseline assignment to assess the student's integrative learning competency and oral/digital communication abilities. In addition, this assignment is the initial assignment in the PTA program's scaffolded Capstone project. This is a graded assignment worth 35% and the average completion time is 2-3 weeks. The breakdown of the assignment grade includes completion of the ePortfolio component and an in class oral presentation of the diagnostic condition.
A Diagnostic Condition and Its Implications is an assignment for the Introduction to Physical Therapy course. It will assist the student in understanding how a diagnostic condition can be unique for an individual. The overall objective is for the student to develop a holistic and complete clinical picture of a diagnostic condition including, how it can affect the individual during and post rehabilitation and how it can impact an individual's execution of activities and participation in life events by using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health Model (ICF model). The student will use the ICF model as a framework for describing and organizing information on functioning and disability based on the diagnostic condition. Each student selects a diagnostic condition from an established list and develops a multimedia presentation based on the ICF model. Using the ICF model template provided, the student will integrate the assigned diagnostic condition to the body structure/function impairments, activity limitations/restrictions, participation level in life situations and the contextual factors (environment and personal). For the development of activity limitation/restriction, participation level and the contextual components of the ICF model the students are instructed to draw upon their personal situation, environmental factors (natural physical environment) and personal factors (support, relationships, attitudes). The connecting of the individual student factors will allow the student to view the diagnostic condition holistically. The grading criteria for this assignment is based on the Integrative Learning Core Competency, and the Digital and Oral Communications Abilities rubrics.
LaGuardia's Core Competencies and Communication Abilities

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
CUNY Academic Works
Provider Set:
LaGuardia Community College
Tom, May
Date Added:
Disability, Mobility & Society [Physical Therapist Assistant Program]
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0.0 stars

Disability, Mobility, & Society is a newly developed assignment for a required level II physical therapy course (SCT 221). It is aimed to familiarize students with the psychosocial and socioeconomic challenges faced by people with physical disability/dysfunction and their immediate community. Students work in teams to develop multimedia pre-recorded video presentations based on actual clinical case studies. Each team will identify and discuss issues related to the specific pathology and impairment, and consider the medical/social/behavioral/financial implications for the individual and the society. The team must present a course of physical therapy intervention that illustrates clinical competence and professional standard of care. Students are encouraged to draw connections to their personal experiences as related to relevant local and/or national healthcare issues. The grading criteria for this assignment is based on the current Global Learning and Oral Communication rubrics.
LaGuardia‰Ûªs Core Competencies and Communication Abilities
Main Course Learning Objectives:
Instructional: Reinforce effective and appropriate verbal and non-verbal communication with patient/client, the physical therapist, health care delivery personnel, and others. Reinforce individual and cultural differences in all aspects of physical therapy. To develop the student‰Ûªs global awareness and oral ability.
Performance: Demonstrate effective and appropriate verbal and non verbal communication with patient/client, the physical therapist, health care delivery personnel and others. Recognize individual and cultural differences in all aspects of physical therapy. Demonstrate Global Learning using an oral ability through a multimedia presentation based on cases assigned.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
CUNY Academic Works
Provider Set:
LaGuardia Community College
Chan, Clarence
Engel, Debra
Tom, May
Date Added: