The process of research is often more complex than students anticipate. Part of helping them succeed is making visible the steps in the research process and helping students recognize that each step will require them to employ different skills. This section of the Faculty Toolkit provides small, low-stakes activities that can be adapted and deployed throughout the semester to help students develop the skills and understanding needed to get them to the finish line: the research project! This toolkit covers the different stages of the research process, covering understanding the assignment, developing topic/research questions, finding and evaluating information (including keywords, OneSearch, peer review), synthesizing and organizing information, composing, designing, citing, and information ethics.
- Subject:
- Education
- Material Type:
- Activity/Lab
- Homework/Assignment
- Teaching/Learning Strategy
- Tutorial
- Provider:
- Provider Set:
- Hostos Community College
- Author:
- Hostos Community College Library
- Date Added:
- 02/05/2024